
Editor's note 01

Well, hello there beautiful. :)
Welcome to and we hope you'll find something interesting that will sparks your inner Imelda Marcos in here.

This space is created and dedicated for all things related to your self boost. What else if it is not shoes? It's because unlike a sexy undergarment, shoes complete your look, gives you the extra few inches and better yet, you wont have to face the much dreaded laundry day. Being a shoe lover myself, I understand how the impact of a good pair of shoes can bring to your day especially when someone took notice of the shoes that you're wearing. A simple gesture of "Hey, nice shoes!" goes a long way. It tells you that you have a good taste. Right? right. :p hahaha

But all these did not come easy. It takes years of experience, perseverance and well, definitely a good eye to get it right. team is just that and we're here to cut your shoe shopping journey short. Here, we're providing not just the 'what's in' collections, but also the basic with an eye for details. So, shop with confidence and you wont go wrong. If you need to ask question, raise your hands.. no, I mean.. email us your questions and we will be more than glad to answer you and help you finding your perfect pair of shoes.

Anyway, we're are still in the process of structuring and renovating this website so we can serve you better. Watch this space for more updates on cooler and sexier collections that will soon make their debuts.
In the mean time, do share our link at your facebook and twitter and you might win something. *hint hint*

Till then, do eat healthily, sleep well and strut your steps with more confidence.

Ms Shoes Shopper

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